Jamboree on the Air

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is an annual event that brings together millions of Scouts and Guides from around the world through amateur radio. It allows Scouts and Guides to connect with one another, learn about different cultures, and experience the excitement of radio communication.

JOTA takes place on the third full weekend of October each year. During this event, Scout and Guide groups set up amateur radio stations at their local meeting places, campsites, or other designated locations. They then make contact with other participating stations across the globe using various amateur radio bands and modes.

The primary objectives of Jamboree on the Air are:

  1. Foster international understanding and friendship: By communicating with Scouts and Guides from different countries, participants get to learn about different cultures, exchange ideas, and develop friendships with their fellow Scouts and Guides around the world.

  2. Promote radio communication skills: JOTA provides an excellent opportunity for Scouts and Guides to learn about amateur radio, practice their communication skills, and gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of radio operation.

  3. Enhance global scouting experiences: JOTA adds an exciting and interactive element to the scouting experience, allowing participants to explore the world of radio communication and connect with Scouts and Guides from diverse backgrounds.

JOTA encourages participating groups to arrange schedules and frequencies in advance, ensuring a smooth flow of communication during the event. The stations can be set up using portable equipment, and licensed amateur radio operators typically supervise the operations. Non-licensed Scouts and Guides can also participate under the guidance of licensed operators.

In addition to radio communication, JOTA often includes supplementary activities such as learning about Morse code, exploring electronics, discussing radio propagation, and exchanging QSL cards (confirmation of radio contact) as mementos.

Jamboree on the Air serves as an exciting and educational event that combines the scouting movement with the fascinating world of amateur radio, promoting friendship, cultural exchange, and technical skills among young people across the globe.